Coffee Fundraising

About us

My name is Brian Vaaa, I along with my wife Amy have been producing our coffees from the top 2% available for the last 14 years. We started as a small coffee shop and have been growing over the years. We are excited to start this new chapter of our business. We have two young children who have been bringing home fundraisers from school and their sports teams for a few years now. Usually they are products that we don't really need nor do we really want. We almost feel guilted into buying them so our kids could get the cheep plastic trinkets and so we would buy a couple of items to make the kids happy. Don't get me wrong, some fundraisers are great, however our experiences have not been so. One particular time, our kids brought home a large box of those chocolate bars. Yes... you know the ones I'm talking about. Well, we devoured the entire box. We did not sell a single chocolate bar. Was it lack of self control? Maybe, but some of these fundraisers are set up for failure from the beginning. Sure, some kids parents have a business where they can set the box on the counter and sell to their regular customers. But, for most people it's not that easy. You try carrying around that box of chocolates, leave it in the car... it melts into chocolate mush bars. It's just not practical. That's when the epiphany happened. I thought "coffee will make a tremendous fundraiser"! And viola! The wheels were in motion. Coffee is an easy sell. Millions and millions of people drink 1, 2 ,5 ,10 cups of coffee a day! So... are you ready to start your campaign? I thought so........ keep reading!

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